A low environmental impact carried out with great attention to all processes production:

raw material at km 0
recovery and reuse of rainwater
use of biomass for cooking with wood in the form of waste at km 0
production of electricity from renewable sources (photovoltaic)
100% recyclable

Our mission

Social Responsibility
The company respects all the regulations in force with a peculiar attention to the work and the environment security.
Between the different parts of the company there is a strict cooperation in order to offer to the customer the opportunity even to touch with his own hands our genuine product, to appreciate the great range of goods and finishings and to be supported in his choice and in the project of his habitat.
Company Spirit
A great space has been given to the scientific research and to certified laboratory tests and continuous researches in this field.
We are able to understand the changing of time and of customer’s requests in order to change the company marketing, branding and retailing towards new tendencies.

Tailored for you